LPC Law Celebrates 30 Years

In August 2024, LPC Law celebrates 30 years since being founded in August 1994.

Much has changed since the early days of fax machines, receiving and returning hard copy bundles by post, as well as manually scanning barcodes for each hearing.

LPC Law has established itself as the foremost and leading provider of advocacy and drafting services for our extensive client base. As well as being authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the firm has become a BSB Authorised Education and Training Organisation for the provision of Pupillage training.

Along the way, the firm has survived the Covid-19 pandemic, including a hastily-imposed stay on possession proceedings, and rapid moves to cater to the swell in demand for attending remote hearings.

LPC Law wishes to thank all current and former staff, advocates, clients and all stakeholders, for their contributions to the ongoing success of the firm. Here's to another 30 years!

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