Assist Litigants in Person by Striking Out Their Claims

LPC Law understand that several court fees will increase on Monday 21 March 2016. The fees increasing include:


  1. Issuing possession claims, from £280 to £355 in the County Court and £250 to £325 through PCOL;

  2. General applications which are ex parte or by consent, from £50 to £100; and

  3. General applications on notice, from £280 to £355.


Although notice was given on 22 July 2015 that the above fees would increase, there has been very little notice of the date these changes will come in to effect. LPC understand that some court staff were informed yesterday that the new fees would be implemented on 21 March 2016.

A guide created for HMCTS’ staff regarding the fee increases and transitional arrangements can be found here.

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